San Diego Area
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San Diego Area News
Find out what is happening in the San Diego Area of the Western USA Lieutenancy.
San Diego Advent Day of Reflection – Dec 7
We hope everyone of the Order in our area will join us for our Advent Day of Reflection, on 9:00am, December 7th at St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church, Poway, CA. “Bethlehem to Greccio: A Story of Birth and Incarnation” Special Guest Speaker: Father Larry Gosselin, OFM Retreat Master at the Malibu Serra Retreat Center Location: St.
San Diego Area First Monday Rosary
Please join our monthly Rosary for our fellow Christians in the Holy Land, on Monday, December 2, 2024. We will have the 1st Monday Rosary at All Hallows Parish, La Jolla, 6602 La Jolla Scenic Dr., La Jolla at 7:00 PM. After the Rosary all will gather for refreshments in the Fireside Room of the
St. John of Capistrano – A Reflection
Knights and Dames, Under the leadership of Sir Bob Ferrar, our spirituality committee will be sending out monthly articles on spiritual topics related to the Order. The first article, written by Sir John Pack, discusses St. John of Capistrano who is one of the Saints of the EOHSJ. St. John of Capistrano St John Capistrano