Providing a path of hope for Christians in the Holy Land through generosity.
Annual Contribution
Your Annual Contributions are the lifeblood for the Equestrian Order’s efforts in the Holy Land. Together we provide over 90% of all the funding for the formation of Priests and Religious, for support of local Parishes, for educating children in parochial schools and for higher education, helping the sick, disabled and displaced, championing justice, encouraging economic development, seeking peace and ultimately providing a path of hope for Christians in the Holy Land. After Spiritual growth for each other, it is our highest calling.
Please visit the link below for Promotion Honorarium and Investiture Honorarium contributions.
Legacy Society
As members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, we are entrusted with the special mission to aid the Church and peoples of the Holy Land. Including the Order in your Will or Trust is the opportunity to complete your life’s commitment to the Order and something every member should consider. A gift of any amount can have a significant impact and improve conditions for our brethren in the Holy Land. A gift of any amount will qualify you for membership in the Legacy Society.
Special Projects
The Lieutenancy supports a number of special projects in the Holy Land. Some projects are championed by members of various Areas (Dioceses) within the Lieutenancy. Others are selected by the Lieutenancy because of their special nature. And many individual members or small groups adopt a particular project as their own personal work of charity.