College Des Freres

College des Frères Debate Club at the World School Debate Academy in Slovenia!

Passionate about debating and eager to take skills to the global stage, 12 students, from Collège des Frères Bethlehem Debate Club , under the coaching and entrepreneurship of Miss Muna Kattan, started training at the Academy, this Sunday. We’re thrilled to announce that our talented team recently embarked on an incredible journey to Slovenia, where

College des Frères Debate Club at the World School Debate Academy in Slovenia! Read More »

Student Testimonial

“People ask me: ‘What does debating mean for you?’ I have a lot of answers to this question but perhaps the most important one is that debating has become a friend who helps me. Debating has enabled me to think quickly and deeply about each topic and to arrive at a solution to problems. It

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Student Testimonial

“After three years of being a part of the Debate Club I no longer take things for granted. I have begun to discuss many more issues with my friends because debating has developed my critical thinking. I also learned how to present my ideas and my thoughts in an appropriate manner so that people can

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