October 2025

Basilica of San Domenico, Siena

A pilgrimage to the Basilica of San Domenico in Siena offers a profound encounter with the spiritual legacy of St. Dominic, founder of the Dominican Order. This historic basilica is home to the relics of St. Catherine of Siena, a revered mystic and Doctor of the Church, whose life and teachings continue to inspire millions

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Basilica of Santa Croce

A pilgrimage to Santa Croce Church in Florence offers a deeply enriching spiritual and cultural experience. Known as the “Temple of the Italian Glories,” Santa Croce is the final resting place of some of Italy’s most illustrious figures, including Michelangelo, Galileo, and Dante. Visiting this historic church allows you to connect with the legacy of

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Basilica of San Lorenzo, Florence

A pilgrimage to the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence offers a unique opportunity to explore a site rich in both religious and historical significance. As one of Florence’s oldest churches, it was the parish church of the powerful Medici family, who played a crucial role in the Renaissance. The basilica is renowned for its

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Santa Maria Degli Angeli

A pilgrimage stop at Santa Maria degli Angeli offers a unique and deeply moving spiritual experience, centered around the humble yet profoundly significant Porziuncola. This small chapel, encapsulated within the grand basilica, is where St. Francis of Assisi founded the Franciscan Order and received his divine mission to “rebuild my Church.” The Porziuncola is not

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Eremo delle Carceri

The Eremo delle Carceri, or Hermitage of the Prisons, is a ancient site located in the hills above Assisi, Italy. This secluded hermitage is special for its deep connection to St. Francis of Assisi, who frequently retreated here with his followers for prayer and contemplation. Nestled in the serene forests of Mount Subasio, the hermitage

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The Church of St. Mary Major

The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Assisi is historically significant as it is one of the oldest churches in Assisi, dating back to the 11th century, and it offers a unique glimpse into the early Christian architecture and piety of the area. Its simple, yet elegant Romanesque design reflects the architectural style of the

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Basilica of St. Francis

A pilgrimage to the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi offers a profound and transformative spiritual experience, steeped in the rich history and enduring legacy of one of the most beloved saints in Catholicism. As you hushed nave of the basilica, you will be immediately immersed in the life and teachings of St. Francis, whose

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