Medical Mission to the Holy Land
In Association with The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem & Custodia Terrae Sanctae
About this Ministry
There is no free healthcare in Palestine. Due to severe economic conditions and high unemployments, most individuals do not obtain preventative check-ups and wellness care, resulting in increased rates of illness. It is the goal of the EOHSJ Medical Mission team to fill this gap in primary care.
The Western Lieutenancy, with the support of the Office of the Latin Patriarchate and the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, is seeking to develop a medical mission to the Holy Land for the purpose of providing healthcare services to poor communities. Our Objectives:
- Provide needed and sustainable healthcare services.
- Raise awareness of healthcare issues.
- Instruct individuals on how to prevent and treat illnesses.
- Empower quality of life improvements over succeeding generations.
- Provide training to local medical communities and universities in multiple medical specialties.
The Home is operated by the Daughters of Our Lady of Sorrows, a French congregation founded by Marie Saint-Frai in the early nineteenth century, whose charisma is welcoming and caring for the poor. Created at the request of the Latin Patriarchate, the Our Lady of Sorrows Home currently has approximately fifty full time residents.
Four Sisters of the Daughters of Our Lady of Sorrows live and work at the Home, and open their doors to all elderly people in need, including Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Sister Marie-Edouard serves as Superior of the Order and resides at the Mother House in Tarbes, France.
In 2019, EOHSJ medical mission volunteers traveled to the Holy Land to determine the feasibility and potential impact of developing a medical mission program. They met with several medical institutions in Bethlehem, as well as representatives of the Latin Patriarchate and the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land. It was determined to launch a medical mission program, establishing the goal of conducting 3-4 missions annually, each one lasting up to two weeks.
Mission Details
The lead physician of the EOHSJ Medical Mission team is Dr. Sir Dan Miulli, KC*HS, a member of the Western Lieutenancy, who founded Helping Those in Need, Inc., (HTIN), a 501 c3 charitable organization, made-up of doctors and other medical professionals, that has conducted medical missions on a worldwide basis for over ten years. The EOHSJ Medical Mission Team will be comprised of physicians, nurses, and volunteers from the Western Lieutenancy, as well as non-member medical professional from HTIN.
Each medical mission to the Holy Land will have a three-fold goal:
- Provide primary care and wellness check-ups to those in need.
- Provide training and teaching to the local medical community, including Bethlehem University Nursing School.
- Offer specialized surgical procedures at properly equipped facilities.
The Medical Mission Team will not compete with local doctors. Alternatively, they will pro- vide care to those currently not receiving treat- ment, and, at the same time, identify patients that can be handed-off to local physicians.
The Medical Mission team will bring in medical specialists on successive missions to address needs as they arise. Through Dr. Sir Muilliās large network of physicians, a broad range of specialists can be enlisted.
Support This Program
Providing medical resources to individuals and families in the Holy Land is a large undertaking, requiring equipment and resources. Please consider offering your financial support,