About this Ministry
The Sisters of the Incarnate Word welcome children who are handicapped, poor, abandoned or orphaned, and children who have a serious mental or physical need. Hogar Nino Dios is located steps from the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The Sisters of the Incarnate Word heal, educate, and care for these discarded children. The following video highlights the love, care, healing and education being provided by the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and volunteers to poor, orphaned or abandoned children with serious mental and physical handicap.
Click below to view the video.
EOHSJ Western USA Support
Hogar Niño Dios welcomes children who are handicapped, and children who have a serious mental or physical need. The home is located steps from the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
Thanks to the generous bequest by Rev. Sir William Harnischfeger, KCHS, the Western USA Lieutenancy was able to fund urgently needed construction at Hogar Niño Dios. Rev. Sir Harnischfeger was a successful physician who, after the passing of his wife, entered the seminary and was ordained a priest. The lieutenancy wanted to honor his memory by allocating funds to projects in the healthcare and medical fields, which we continue to do today.
The home currently offers schooling and many types of therapy, including physio- therapy and hydrotherapy sessions, to 20 children who have both mental and physical disabilities. The children’s families are encouraged by the home to continue to play an active part in their little ones’ lives. Some of these children will at some point be reintegrated into society, for others this place of welcome will be their permanent adopted home.
The Sisters of the Incarnate Word
he Institute Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matar, a religious community, was founded by Rev. Carlos Miguel Buela on March 19, 1988 in San Rafael, Argentina.
“We as women religious believe that our primary vocation is to be the ‘Spouse of Christ.’ By giving ourselves totally to Christ, the Redeemer of Man and the Spouse of Souls through the vows of our consecration, we fulfill our own femininity. Aware of the Father’s call and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, we, the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matar, want to follow Christ, the chaste, poor, and obedient One. We want to take on His mind and His way of life. By imitation of Mary of Nazareth, the exemplar of every religious woman, we desire to be signs of God’s tender love towards the human race and to be witnesses to the mystery of the Church, who is Virgin, Bride, and Mother. We ask you to pray for our young Religious Family that our only interest may be to have life in Christ Jesus.”
Operated by The Sisters of the Incarnate Word, Hogar Niño Dios in Bethlehem fulfills an extraordinary mission by caring for and assisting handicapped children. Many Palestinian families still regard physically and mentally disabled children as an embarrassment and they either keep the children hidden away or abandon them. Run by five nuns of the order, with the assistance of two priests and numerous lay staff, including a nurse, doctor, physical and musical therapists and a cook – all of whom help to look after 23 disabled and abandoned children. All the staff work hard to provide a home-like atmosphere for the children. They are funded solely through charitable donations.
Ministry News
July 2023 at Hogar
During the month of July we were blessed with many volunteers who…
Volunteers at Hogar Niño Dios during the pandemic
Anna, a developmental age neuropsychomotor therapist, tells us what motivated her to…
A renewed commitment to support children and young people with disabilities
To offer this service, the Hogar must face very high costs daily,…