Caritas Jerusalem Micro Grant
Putting Love Into Action
About this Ministry
Caritas Jerusalem is a humanitarian and development organization that represents the socio-pastoral services of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land. Founded in 1967 in the aftermath of the Six Day War, Caritas Jerusalem helps individuals from all religious backgrounds in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Caritas Jerusalem is a member of Caritas Internationalis, a confederation of 165 Caritas organizations operating in more than 200 countries.
The Caritas Jerusalem Microcredit
For the past 30 years, caritas has been running a microfinance programme, which today is considered to be the backbone of Caritas Jerusalem’s development projects. The large majority of our loans are supporting small businesses in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Loans are also given for housing, education and emergency situations. The Microcredit Program provides loans to groups that have difficulties in obtaining loans from major financial institutions, with the aim of empowering the Palestinian community through small loans that may be commercial for small and medium enterprises, or housing and personal loans.
Ministry News
Caritas Jerusalem Newsletter Q1 2023
lease click here to read the newsletter of Caritas Jerusalem for the months of…
Caritas Jerusalem Annual Report 2022
Read the full report As we reflect upon the achievements and challenges…