The Legacy Society
The Equestrian Order cherishes every gift you make, whether now or in the future.
Join Now
If you have included, or would like to include, the Order in your estate and would like to let us know, please contact your Area Bequest Liaison or Area Councilor so that we are aware of and can acknowledge your contribution. Please fill out the appropriate paperwork for the Order. Details are provided below.
Estate Gifts from Members
your bequests, Supporting the Church Holy Land
As members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, we are entrusted with the special mission to aid the Church and peoples of the Holy Land. Including the Order in your Will or Trust is the opportunity to complete your life’s commitment to the Order and something every member should consider. A gift of any amount can have a significant impact and improve conditions for our brethren in the Holy Land. A gift of any amount will qualify you for membership in the Legacy Society.

Dame Ana
Sanguineti, DC*HS
Legacy Co-Councillor

Sir Bill Wolf, KGCHS
Legacy Co-Councillor
Program Details
Recognition, Society Levels and Joining
The Legacy Society Program of the Western Lieutenancy celebrates the generous personal expression of a member who has included the Order in his or her Estate Plan. Your generosity is an example to all members of the eternal nature of our commitment to the Order. We cherish every gift you give either now or in the future, and we wish to express our appreciation and make others aware of your faithful pledge.
Anyone who includes the Order in their estate plan for any amount is entered into the Legacy Society. All Legacy members will be acknowledged as noted below:
- Recognition on their Annual Meeting Name Tag
- Recognition at the Annual Business Meeting
- Recognition at the Mid-Year Meeting
- It will be noted next to their name in the Annual Roster
- It will be noted in the Year in Review document
- Upon member’s passing, the Lieutenant will speak to the impact of a member’s gift at the Annual Meeting
Society Levels
There are four achievement levels in the Legacy Society for gifts that attain certain amounts. Members who contribute at these levels will receive an appropriate pin:
- Bronze – $25,000 to less than $100,000
- Silver – $100,000 to less than $250,000
- Gold – $250,000 to less than $1 million
- Platinum – $ 1 million and above
Note that members who contribute to the Annual Contribution For Life will automatically be recognized at the Silver level in the Legacy Society.
Join the Society
If you have included the Order in your estate and would like to let us know, please contact your Area Bequest Liaison or Area Councilor so that we are aware of and can acknowledge your contribution. Please fill out the appropriate paperwork for the Order. Details are provided below.
- Download and complete the Bequest Confirmation Form.
- Obtain copies of all documentation requested in the form.
- Send the confirmation form with the pertinent page of the bequest to the Order’s main office in Los Angeles or give it to your Area Liaison to send it in.
- Contact your Area Liaison, Area Councilor or the main office with any questions you may have about completing Bequest. We can help you realize your goals for your bequest.
Join Now
If you have included the Order in your estate and would like to let us know, please contact your Area Bequest Liaison or Area Councilor so that we are aware of and can acknowledge your contribution. Please fill out the appropriate paperwork for the Order. Details are provided below.
Ways to Join
A Legacy Bequest
The most common way to donate an estate gift is through a Bequest, included in your Will or Trust. A statement in your Will or Trust should specify WHO is going to receive the funds and what they are going to receive. There are several options in specifying the gift such as, the dollar amount, a percentage of the total estate, or a specific item of value. Bequests can be restricted to a certain program or unrestricted. An unrestricted bequest allows the Order the flexibility to apply the gift to a program or project most in need at the most appropriate time.
Bequests should be clearly worded in the following manner:
“I make the following bequest to be distributed outright in the sum of (amount) to the Western Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, a non-profit, voluntary association of the faithful, a charitable organization, (tax ID 61-14442249) to be used specifically for support of the efforts in the Holy Land.”
You will need to provide the actual nature of the bequest after the above preamble.
When making a gift to the Order, most every form of funding is welcome including:
Other forms of valuable consideration
Funds from IRA distribution
Naming the Order as the Beneficiary of an insurance policy
Naming the Order as part of a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)
Real Estate

Join Now
If you have included the Order in your estate and would like to let us know, please contact your Area Bequest Liaison or Area Councilor so that we are aware of and can acknowledge your contribution. Please fill out the appropriate paperwork for the Order. Details are provided below.
Ways to Join
Annual Contribution for Life (AC4L)

Funding the Present
and the Future
The Annual Contribution For Life, AC4L, provides a special opportunity for members of the Order to meet their annual contribution obligation for life as a one-time gift. This option has the additional benefit of ensuring a gift that continues to give beyond the member’s lifetime.
This powerful contribution provides the Lieutenancy the extra advantage of a dependable stream of income for projects in the Holy Land.
The Significance of the AC4L
The member makes a one-time gift of $50,000, which can be paid over 5 years. (An annual contribution of $10,000 per year is paid until the full amount is funded.) The Interest covers the member’s annual contribution for life. The Principal will become the estate gift upon the member’s passing.
Note that members who contribute to the Annual Contribution For Life will automatically be recognized at the Silver level in the Legacy Society.

Sir Bill Wolf
Los Angeles Area Liaison

Sir Raymond Dardano
Salt Lake City Area Liaison