Lieutenant’s Message About Wildfires

Dear Fellow Knights and Dames,

“Life changes on a dime.”

I never really thought about the meaning until we experienced the life changes this week.  We heard the winds were coming but didn’t expect the fire storm that came next. We have members evacuated not knowing what’s going to happen, friends who have lost their homes, left with nothing. The fires in Southern California have caused incredible destruction and heartbreak. We see our local landmarks, churches, and schools destroyed. Life as we knew it is forever changed. 

Through all of this I couldn’t help but think of the parallels with the people in the Holy Land who have had their lives turned on a dime. They have lost jobs, homes, and loved ones. They don’t know what comes next.

Please pray for all who have been affected by life’s tragic events. Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in the Holy Land, for peace for our world. Pray for those on the front lines keeping us safe and for those whose lives are forever changed. May God Our Father hear and answer our plea.

May our Lady Queen of Palestine hold us in her loving arms. 

H.E. Margaret Romano, DGCHSLieutenantEOHSJ Western Lieutenancy

Deus lo Vult!

Please also take a moment to read this kind letter from the Bethlehem Holy Child Program, In it, they send us sympathy, the promise of prayer and a Mass offering.