Justice And Peace
Maintaining the rights and flourishing of Christians in the Holy Land.
Justice & Peace
Supporting Holy Land Christians
The Equestrian Order encourages the education of members through the dissemination of accurate and timely information about the challenges affecting and needs of the Christian community in Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Jordan and Cyprus. Especially with present conditions being what they are in the Holy Land, justice and peace issues are of vital concern to the Order. Maintaining the rights of Christians in the Holy Land is an issue that ultimately affects all Christians, for it calls into question the right of all of us to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, Our Savior.
Among the activities taking place at the Lieutenancy and diocesan level are:
- Creating opportunities for the co-promotion of inter-religious dialogue and understanding.
- Placing articles on justice and peace issues, particularly with respect to the Holy Land, in diocesan newspapers and church bulletins;
- Attempting to get articles, editorials or letters to the editor published in local newspapers;
- Contributing to the Lieutenancy newsletter column or page on justice and peace;
- Promoting small group rosaries on a monthly basis for the intentions of peace in the Holy Land and our Christian brothers and sisters;
- Encouraging members to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land;
- Praying the Memorare each day for the intention of Peace in the Holy Land and for the intentions of our Holy Father.
Justice and Peace is in many ways what being a Knight or Dame is all about. We hope every member will be actively involved in this effort.
A Visit to Bethlehem University
Following the visit of H.E. Michael Scott Feeley, Lieutenant of the Western Lieutenancy, last April, Deacon Sir Ryan Adams led a pilgrimage group of members of the Western Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (EOHSJ) on a visit to Bethlehem University on Thursday, 9 May 2019. Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray
Student Testimonial
“People ask me: ‘What does debating mean for you?’ I have a lot of answers to this question but perhaps the most important one is that debating has become a friend who helps me. Debating has enabled me to think quickly and deeply about each topic and to arrive at a solution to problems. It
Student Testimonial
“After three years of being a part of the Debate Club I no longer take things for granted. I have begun to discuss many more issues with my friends because debating has developed my critical thinking. I also learned how to present my ideas and my thoughts in an appropriate manner so that people can