Tucson/Phoenix Retreat – Exaltation of The Cross

Dames, Knights, and guests from the Dioceses of Tucson and Phoenix gathered on September 14, 2024, at Saint George Catholic Church in Apache Junction for a retreat celebrating the EOHSJ Feast Day of The Exaltation of The Cross. Reverend Monsignor Domenico Pinti served as the retreat master. The retreat began with introductions that included participant reflections on what The Order meant to them.  Many mentioned going on pilgrimage, supporting the Holy Land, and concern for the current war that is affecting so many people. 

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, celebrated on September 14th, is a significant event in the Christian liturgical calendar. It commemorates:

Mass was celebrated by Monsignor Pinti.  The readings highlightedChrist’s humility and obedience to death on a cross, and how God exalted Him, giving Him a name above every name.  The responsorial psalm emphasizes remembering the works of the Lord and His mercy despite the people’s unfaithfulness. In the Gospel, Jesus speaks to Nicodemus about the necessity of the Son of Man being lifted up, just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.  In his Homily, Monsignor Pinti reminded us that when our faith is tested or challenged, we can pray to the Saints (there are 10K+ to choose from) for intercession.  He closed his Homily with remarks about the Order.  “We are blessed to be members of the Order, and we must continue to do what we can to support its mission.”

After Mass, the retreat attendees were given a tour of the artwork in the church.  It is quite a collection, with forty-five statues and many pieces of framed art too numerous to count.  Monsignor Pinti shared stories of how the pieces were acquired. A particularly interesting section of statues was the statues of Popes.  They include Pope Saint John XXIII, Pope Saint Paul VI, Pope John Paul I, Pope Saint John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI.

The day ended with an update to the Western Lieutenancy Peace and Mercy fundraising campaign supporting the Holy Land in their time of need.

Many thanks to Sir Tom Castellanos for coordinating the retreat. Also, a special thank you to Monsignor Pinti for sharing his ministry and preparing a wonderful lunch for the retreat participants.  Planning is underway for the Tucson and Phoenix retreat in 2025.

Bless us who find salvation in the cross of Christ; May we always recognize his glory in the weak, suffering and condemned of the world. We ask this through Christ, crucified and exalted, who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.