O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!

How many times have we heard this beautiful song of hope? Each Advent, we await the birth of our Savior knowing He is our salvation. Our Advent journey takes us through a season of joy, with the wonderful hope knowing that He is coming to save us. What a great gift!  

This year, during this advent time, we continue to pray for His coming, and pray with hope, not only for His coming but with the hope that our Brothers and Sisters in Christ experience a lasting peace. One that brings them the chance to live as we do. With hope we pray that every child, regardless of their race or religion live in peace, not in fear, but with joy.

We’ve read the stories of the great despair of the people. We receive their messages; it’s in the news, on our website. The focus is on Gaza but like a stone thrown in a pond, the ripple has engulfed all the people. Attached please find a message from the Grand Magisterium announcing that H.E. Cardinal Filoni will be traveling to Jerusalem the beginning of January. (Click here.) We pray for his safe journey. 

As Advent comes to a close and brings us to the celebration of Christmas, we pray for the people, we continue the support, we show them that we care. Christmas is a celebration of our faith. Pray that the hope we have touches the hearts of all who have closed their hearts to God. Click here to listen to the Italian trio of tenors, ‘Il Volo’, sing ‘Silent Night’ at the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

These times are busy. If you haven’t read the Advent Reflections from the past Sundays, please take the time to sit, read them, and reflect. They’re excellent! Many thanks to our Knights Clergy who once again feed us! 

May these days bring happy times with those you love. We hope that wonderful memories are made and know that your EOHSJ family gives prayerful thanks for your support!

Gaudete! Rejoice! 

H.E. Margaret Romano, DGCHS


EOHSJ Western Lieutenancy