First Sunday of Lent

Blessings to you on this, the first Sunday of Lent, a time of fasting, prayer, and reflection. Today, we are honored to have His Excellency, the Most Reverend Ramón Bejarano, Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego, provide to us this specially recorded message. In this message, Bishop Bejarano will reflect on the journey of Lent, Christ’s temptation in the desert, and how we can resist and overcome temptations in our own lives. We hope that this message will inspire you to deepen your faith and grow closer to God during this holy season. Please Click Here to view Bishop Bejarano’s video message.

First Friday of Lent

Blessings to you on this First Friday of Lent.  Today, we present to you a video reflection led by our Lieutenant, H.E. Dame Margaret Romano, on the Stations of the Cross, also known as the Via Dolorosa of our Lord Jesus Christ.  As Roman Catholics, we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross, and during the season of Lent, we take time to reflect on this profound moment in our faith.

The Stations of the Cross allow us to journey with Jesus as he carries His cross to Calvary, and through these reflections, we can meditate on the different stages of His passion and death. Each station offers a chance for us to contemplate the suffering of Jesus, and to see how His love for us led Him to endure such pain.

As we will walk through the 14 Stations of the Cross and take time to reflect on the meaning behind each one, we invite you to join us in prayer and reflection, and to open your heart to the love that Jesus has for each and every one of us.

May this time of reflection help us to draw closer to God and to deepen our faith as we journey towards the joy of Easter.

Please Click Here to view walk the Stations of the Cross.

Ash Wednesday

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Oscar A. Solis, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, has kindly recorded a message for us for this solemn occasion.  In this message, Bishop Solis will share his thoughts on the significance of Ash Wednesday, the season of Lent, and the importance of spiritual self-examination and renewal.  We hope that this message will inspire you to deepen your faith and grow closer to God during this holy season. Please Click Here to view Bishop Solis’ video message.